Palo Santo

Palo Santo

Palo Santo

Travelers because we are transients. Life is a journey full of experiences shrouded in light and darkness. Which we enjoy, from which we learn, during which we encounter a lot of intersections. Regardless of the road chosen during the journey, the destination is the same. Our desire is to travel with you. Through Palo Santo products, advice and the community we want to create we will bring clarity and together we will enjoy endless mornings of sunshine and joy.

Seekers because we are desirous of experiences lived in consciousness, peace of mind, mental liberation and physical health. We want to share the found treasures with you. When we stray from the pursuit of what benefits our soul, let us have the right tools for reorientation. Palo Santo aims to be the compass in your search for presence in your life.

Messengers because we are lovers of people, of the beautiful, of the useful, of divinity. Through what Palo Santo offers you, referring both to the range of products and the recommendations to use them during meditations, yoga sessions or simply a moment of internal and external purification, we bring you closer to the plane of the soul your. Through our messages we intend to share with you the art of gratitude, inner peace, mental training for a happy life.

Throughout life we ​​have a lot of experiences. Absolutely all are important, only the defining ones differ from the others by the presence with which we live them. This is how the story of Robert Schreoder , Co-Founder of Palo-Santo begins ... a first olfactory experience with the smell of the sacred Palo Santo wood that ignited the spark, which later materialized into a destiny.

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